Two Ways In Which Your Actions May Cause Tooth Decay In Your Toddler

Posted on: 19 February 2015

Did you know that what you do around or with your toddler may give him or teeth cavities? This can happen in several ways, but the following two are some of the surest: Smoking Second-hand smoke has been linked to a number of health diseases, and teeth decay is one of them. According to WebMD, research revealed that children in smoking households experience cavities at nearly double the rate of children in nonsmoking households.
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Learn Five Easy Ways To Prevent The Development Of Gum Disease

Posted on: 9 February 2015

Gum disease is an oral infection that can be painful and should be prevented as much as you possibly can. If gum disease runs in your family, the likelihood of developing it is higher than someone that does not have the disease running in their family. Gum disease may contribute to heart disease later in life and preventing it could be the best way to keep your mouth and heart as healthy as possible.
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Busy Season For Hermie The Dentist

Posted on: 27 January 2015

The busy season for most of Santa's elves begins in the weeks preceding Christmas, but for Hermie, the elf who realized his dream of becoming a dentist, the busiest time of year starts the day after Christmas. Why does Hermie the elf's dental practice become busier after Christmas? Santa and his elf helpers have a hard time keeping up with their toy making schedule in the weeks before Christmas, so they often fall asleep at their toy benches.
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Lacerations And Braces: Handling A Serious Dental Emergency

Posted on: 21 January 2015

Although advancements in orthodontics dentistry have made braces more durable, the appliances are not indestructible. If you suffer from an accidental fall or are physically assaulted, the metal and wiring that comprise the braces could be damaged. Another problem arises beyond the obvious need for repair work. The damaged braces could literally tear and lacerate your mouth. How you respond to such an emergency situation determines whether or not the extent of any injuries are minimized.
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