Not Sure If You Have Periodontal Disease? Look for These Three Warning Signs

Posted on: 16 July 2015

Many people realize the importance of taking proper care of their teeth due to the immediate consequences of cavities, but it's easy to underestimate the importance of having healthy gums. Signs of periodontal disease, often referred to as gum disease, may not be noticeable until the infection has occurred. These are three clear warning signs that your oral health problems are due to periodontal disease. Tender or Bleeding Gums While Brushing or Eating
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Easy Ways To Keep Bad Breath Away

Posted on: 24 June 2015

If you're self-conscious about your breath odor, there are several ways to keep it under control for the entire day. Try one or more of these dental care tips and you'll never have to worry about people keeping their distance from your because of your breath. 1. Watch what you eat before meeting with people. Pungent foods such as garlic and onions will stay with you long after the meal is over.
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Bite Reclamation May Reduce TMJ Pain

Posted on: 7 June 2015

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) is a disorder where the temporomandibular joint that controls jaw movements malfunctions, causing a range of symptoms such as pain, difficulty chewing, and joint locking. There are a number of causes for the condition, with one of those being a condition called bite collapse. Here's more information about bite collapse and how bite reclamation can help treat the condition and reduce TMJ pain. What is Bite Collapse?
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Did You Give Birth To A Dragon? Understanding Bad Breath In Children

Posted on: 19 May 2015

You may be wondering just when you gave birth to a fire breathing dragon-- or at least a child with dragon breath. As your little dragon stomps his or her way through your home, you may be ready to plug your nose when they jump on you and begin talking. Bad breath is a common problem in children and can be caused by a number of different things. What Causes Bad Breath?
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